 The summer is about to coming. That is to say, the weather is becoming hotter and hotter. I can't tolerate the high termperature.  The ling vacation can be make good use or be wasted depends on what I toward it .  I admiot that I can't obtain progerss during the summer vacation. Beause I am busy with the academic and therefore when the busy day vanish, I always  do nothing as I want to rest and go. Every time  I heard some people setting the goal and acommplish them,and I  wnat to do like them ....I  got much different feeling  in this day.  I find that, a group  will conflict is normal as our trait are different No two people have the same characteristic. Sometimes we have to appcpt others' opinion, or we can negotiate with each other. As a result,  the relateion in the group wil reamin well..... 

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