                     It is time for us to  plan and to design the following recruitment since the  fresh  students will come in . And designing the whole activites needs everyone's effort and heip. No one can finish the recruitemnt or any activiteis by himself or herslef. Union is power. This is what I believe. No matter how the siuation and how the difficulities we meet, just  belleve that the results are on your own . There are many unknown challenges  whcich we need to resolve. And ,there are some ways to face the uncertinty . First , preparing  the things well  is a good tips ,which is not easily to practice as most  people conder that  the things is just far away ,and it is not any practical to do them. But ,actully this is the effective way to finish them . Secondly, consult the people who do them before . We can get some useful experience as our reference. And we also can obtain some errors which they tremble. Really hope that we can create the new page !!

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