         Next day,  we continue our flow of the seminar. The second seminar contains the goal setting , determinaton of the club tour and the disscussion of the contigency.      
        Also, we discuss the recrutiment of the next year ,and this is very important to us as this relates the remain of  situaion of  the club and the proceed of  the growth. That is to say,  succeeding in the recruitment not only can increase  the number of the member but also  make the good impression in the campus. But effecitively and correctly establishing  the  planning of the recruitmnet requries the innovation and the cooperation.  
        First ,we were divided to the two gruops.And each gruoups dicuss the activities of the begging of the semester. Everyone offer some activites that can attract and reamin the member. Alouth every's opinion is different ,this can stimulate everyons's idea and the creativity. Afer the long disscuion, the common activites were emerged . And these events will be considered to the next recruitment .
      The responsibility is becoming  heavy. But this makes us progress!!


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