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How a wonderful experience it is in the last Thursday night!! I help and assist the assign and the deal with the things related to the evning party. In the process of doing the things, I had acquired the ability to decide  what priority a thing  has to do and what less important thing can put it down. I memorize that the prepartation of the evening party .From the source of the food to the whole flow of the activities, what we want to do is make the activities become more influent and funny. The purpose of holding  the party has two reasons .First, we  want more passer-by to be attracted to our activities to make them invole in the exuberant games and the hearty fare like cookies and drinks. The other is to  let  them  accelerate to the meaning of what is AIESEC. Although we didn't do well in the day becaues of the lack of the oc and the ignorance of the details. As a result, there was less passer-by to join our activites. However, there were many foreign students coming to our party. I was very excited that we can interacted with them. They played the game like beer game and the big mouth stomach. And they narrated that they were stisfied the condition of the activities!! The most experience that I obtained is that  I am dare to communicate with them positively !! We were chatting about the differience in the culture ,the food and the weather ,and thay told me that they felt that Taiwanese people are so kind......,this impressed them!! I think that i should strengthen the speaking skill.

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 真的是感觸良多啊~aiesec week的活動將要在ONE DAY SEMINAR後畫下完美的句點,而昨天是晚會的活動,我在這個活動花了不少時間,本來我一開始是在招生說明會的OC,不過因為那個活動彈性不大,所以也不能想什麼新鮮事,所以我決定多參加另一個AIESEC WEEK的活動,我選擇了國際年華晚會的活動,一開始我還不太清楚狀況,我是之後才加入的,所以我必須從頭了解之前逹成的共識是什麼,後來也漸漸的知道晚會所需要的元素是什麼,像大胃王,BEER GAME...這是一定要的啦~前前後後也開了很多次會,雖然真正討論到的點没有很多,但大家一起討論,那種FEELING 真的很特別,本來跟一些還没有很熟的OC也開始了解了,所以說每辦一次活動社員間的感情會愈來愈好,整個CTLC就像一個BIG FAMILY,互相幫忙,這一次的晚會從討論,列出清單到真正的實行真的很令人振奮!我也在這幾次的活動學到很多,感覺成長不少,對一些活動的安排又更熟悉了,不管結果如何至少曾經努力過,每個人都有貢獻,每個人都各司其職,共同為同樣的目標前進,即便有些人可能因為還要上課或者其他活動没辦去來,但真正的經過至少都有經歷過,.......最後...感謝OCP以及OC宗翰,兔子,嘉勝,KEN ,舜婷 以及主持人勻青,KEN還有外籍生....活動才能順利完成~

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The CTLC LCP election is held on the March 19 Sunday evening . It is very important to our group because the one who gets the highest supporters has much resposibility and ability to manage  the CTLC toward  the frenetic future. The new LCP has mcuh character such as leadership , dealing with the emergency and the negotiation to the conflict of the vp teams . So, we can say that the LCP must can be represented to the whole group.  That is to say, the whole group is influenced by the trait of the LCP. Every one wants to make best use of the rights to vote has somethings to do.First, they shoule browis the whole documentation that is guided to the LCP candidate. And then, they shoud arrive in the election course in time. Otherwise,they will be cancelled the rights to vote.In sum, as a members in the aiesec ,we  should watch out for the trend of the CTLC instead of ignoring the events that happened to the school group!!  At last we wish for the mew LCP!!

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31. 生平做過自認為最偉大的事蹟是?

→ 就是自己打工賺錢給我媽吧~

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<<Jogging can improve the condition and control the weigh~>>
   When the much of homework and the activities of the school group approach, we ignore the most thing that is related to our whole life---the health .
   Health plays the imprtant role in our life ,but we usually take it for granted. As a result , we gradually persue the less important material like jewrey , reputaton and the external level. Only health can we maintain our life.  If we jetission the health instead of the pressure and the status , we will drop out to  the endless black hole. Now. I start to emphasize the concept of the good health. I used to eat much   trash food that leads to gain on weight. From now on , I make a plan to jog three times a week . Even if the weather is bad, I can go to health center to exercise. After I obey it , I have more energy to strengheten my body!!

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   今天對aiesec來說是一個蠻重要的日子,因為今天的aiesec說明會相當重要,他代表aiesec在學校的整體性,如果辦得好,外界對我們社團會有正面的評價,若辦得2288則可能其他人會對我們社團留下bad impression!!所幸,今天的整個流程都相當順暢,不管是主持人的表現以及場地方面...等都在水準之上,萬國旗印襯著aiesec是一個國際性的社團,繽妢的色彩呈現在來賓前,別人一看就明瞭aiesec是一個怎樣的社團,今天來的人也比預期的多,好像有二十個人左右,有些是大二,有些是大三的,不管是幾年級,都歡迎加入這個big family,話說今天的分組sharing相當精彩,每組都輪流present their experience ,不管是國際活動還是專案的經驗,都讓DG聽得津津有味.
   不過真的很訝異會有那麼多社團的人來看這次的說明會,之前我問NEW MEMBER 有空可以來幫忙,問到的結果不是有課就是有事,但是這天幾乎新生都到了,還一起幫忙怖置會場,合作無間,

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    總de 是為了星期三的說明會到來.....每個主持人都很用心的在mock當天的speech,現場有ada為大家

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The English Diary~The experience of the activity of the L'oreal game in NTU on 2006.3.11.

The CTLC member and the vp went to the NTU to join  a series of the session like e-strat game,speech and the mock in one day! All of this could be expected because of the rich of the content .So,I want to admire the the intend of the L'OREAL company .Why is  the L'oreal willing to hold the significant activities that many LC took ! In fact, the LC did promote the gmae of the e-strat.By represnting the company's product and the DM,the interested people could  understand the complicated flow of the game.The objective of the game is to let more university's student use what they have learned in school ,The one who join the play not only can strenghten the conbination between practility and the theory ,but also think and plan more deliberately ! Even if thay don't get the winner ,they will obtain much of the experience ,which doesn't appear in the context.I admit that I didn't prepare the game well as I read the manual one day ago.And the manual is in English and has much complex ecnomic model. I've learned the ecnomics and the financial peper  but I didn't use it effictively. I will not miss any opportunity any more!!

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今天天氣真好啊,一大早就起來為了今天一整天在台大的L'OREAL演講加比賽,今天的流程是這樣子的,早上是L'OREAL公司的介紹,再來是E-STRAY的比賽的介紹,早上的最後一個是ground 1也就是e-stray的第一場比賽,比賽的流程是這樣子的,今天有十五隊比賽,要經過三回合的pk,而以股價的高低作為評斷的依據,也就是說,股價最高的前三名才是贏家!!今天真的有很多的分會來喔!連成大分會也從台南趕上來,真是辛苦啊!~我們分會也來蠻多人的,好像是第二多報名的分會,這一次也算是迷你的全部分會的縮影吧,幾乎每個分會都有來,有些還是之前認識的,真是有緣啊!

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