Suddenly ,  a bright light reflect to me,and I can't open my eyes. As the light becomes weak, I open my eyes to see what happened. To my stunning,  the scene is different from what I have seen before. I think that I am in the outsr space

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     Now , there are" two" people still alive..., the cat is named after the bruce without reason. And we will launch the adventure that is  filled vicious and unknown. It is time for me to bring my ttuth and encourage to face the eccentric world~

   No matter how the world which  I meet , I will not give up !!

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         It is so alien that I can't believe that I meet thtis situation!! I call my parents ,but there are not any reponse . I feel so  horrible. I run outside to find neighbor to help me. Speeking loudly , I still can't see any people. It feels as if I am in the different  space. "Oh my god!!' I say,  "can anybody help me??" , after the few minutes , there is some subtle vocice which is from the hole that is generated by the rock . I close there, a cute cat is stuck with the huge rock. And I lift the rock, the cat immediately  leave that hole.

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        I wnat to say say the following story is unreal ,which is composed by me as to create my imagination and the composition of the language.

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                  Doiing the same things every day, I want to change my living type! Does any one can give me some information or suggestion? One of my trait is that I am not easily to challenge the new things such as the new environment or the new subject. And this is what I want to change!!  It needs some encourage to  try some difference. 


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不知道是什麼原因--查了網路說法:第一是太胖 第二是鼻子息肉太大 第三是遺傳,這三個跟我都有些關系吧,雖然不知道自己算胖還是適中,不管如何,很多人都說我有打呼聲,這個困擾我跟室友,每次都吵到他們有點不好意思說,自己也不願意的...

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           講到政大分會從只有七個delegate到今年有三十三個delegate,這經歷過很多努力, 在office dinner聽到政大得到四個獎時,大家包括我都只看到了政大分會風光的一面,直到Susan在mc transition分享他的aiesec career及政大分會的發展時,我的眼淚竟不爭氣的流下來了.....真的是很感動.!!

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     1.希望必修能都80以上,選修則是85..      (70%逹成,有一二科没有逹成!!)
     2.考慮輔系                            ( 逹成!!,但手續還没申請)

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         Next day,  we continue our flow of the seminar. The second seminar contains the goal setting , determinaton of the club tour and the disscussion of the contigency.      
        Also, we discuss the recrutiment of the next year ,and this is very important to us as this relates the remain of  situaion of  the club and the proceed of  the growth. That is to say,  succeeding in the recruitment not only can increase  the number of the member but also  make the good impression in the campus. But effecitively and correctly establishing  the  planning of the recruitmnet requries the innovation and the cooperation.  
        First ,we were divided to the two gruops.And each gruoups dicuss the activities of the begging of the semester. Everyone offer some activites that can attract and reamin the member. Alouth every's opinion is different ,this can stimulate everyons's idea and the creativity. Afer the long disscuion, the common activites were emerged . And these events will be considered to the next recruitment .

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    Two days seminar is a very important thing that all the staff and the vp who are in the AIESEC have to join it. The flow of the seiminar contains the disscussion about the issue base , 06-07 LC Planning, recrutiment and the personal goal setting ,the club tour. After the two days seminar, I am very tired  and exhausted. Alough I am very tired , i learn some thing involing it. And  all the situation  that we discuss will be wirtten down in the following paragragh!!

   First, the 06-07 mc introduce the new mechnism that  be intergrated to the AIESEC goal. And every lc in Taiwan have to pass down the  issue base to integrate the treneeship . As before, some people ask that why the treneeship can contribute to the peace world??As a reslut , many sn can't really invole the lc activities. They just see the  AIESEC as the organization that provide the broader  job. Hence, this year  AIESEC will change some ways.

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